We couldn't be more proud to announce that Kevin is our July athlete of the month! Kevin is super friendly and encouraging and works his butt off every day.
Coach Jerrica had this to say about Kevin: "If you could put a face to the idea of what makes the CrossFit community such an important component of CrossFit, it would be Kevin. He always shows up in a good mood ready to work. If there’s a new person or a drop-in, Kevin immediately sparks the conversations to make them seem as if they’ve been at 2024 for years. He’s constantly rooting on his fellow members and often the one to beat."
We are super glad that you are part of the 2024 family Kevin and we can't wait to continue on the journey with you to tons of fitness gains!
Keep reading for some fun facts about Kevin:
Q: How long have you been doing CrossFit?
A: 10 months! Hard to believe I only started in Oct 2022
Q: Why did you originally hop on the CrossFit Express?
A: I push myself harder and more consistently in group fitness settings, also I definitely admire the "CrossFit" physique.
Q: What motivates you to keep going and working hard?
A: CrossFit makes it easy to see the ways you've grown over time and I love seeing those gains.
Q: What are your favorite moments in CrossFit?
A: The immediate post-workout endorphines are everything, that and the CrossFit open is the best.
Q: What are your long term goals (in fitness or life)?
A: Never "grow old" where I stop pushing my body and give in to sedentary life. I'd also like to continue building muscle while keeping my abs.
Q: What’s your biggest accomplishment since joining 2024?
A: Winning the 2023 nutrition challenge, of course!
Q: Who is someone that inspires you at the box and why?
A: Jeff - He is crushing the workouts, looks great, and is older than me
Q: What’s one hidden talent you have or interesting fact about you?
A: I maintain a membership at Austin Bouldering Project exclusively for the sauna.
Q: Favorite movie?
A: Miss Congeniality
Q: Favorite coffee/lunch/dinner spot in ATX?
A: Justine's (French Restaurant)
Q: What’s one item on your bucket list?
A: Fly on a private jet
Q: Favorite Cheat Meal?
A: Raising Canes
Q: What’s something you’d say to someone considering joining CrossFit for the first time?
A: Show up, it's the hardest part. Everyone (whether they admit it or not) was intimidated the first time they came to the gym. I knew nothing about lifting and foundations really helped set me up for success.