We couldn't be more proud to announce that Maria is our June athlete of the month! Maria is one of those athletes that always impresses. She works hard, listens to coaching, and shows up consistently.
Coach Jared says, “It's really cool to see how quickly Maria has improved since joining 2024! She is so much stronger and faster than I thought originally and she never stops pushing! It's going to be cool to see how much she improves moving forward."
We love having you in our 2024 family Maria and we can’t wait to see all the wonderful PRs in store for you in the future! Keep it up!
Keep reading for some fun facts about Maria:
Q: How long have you been doing CrossFit?
A: 7 months
Q: Why did you originally hop on the CrossFit Express?
A: An outlet to release my daily stress and struggles
Q: What motivates you to keep going and working hard?
A: To be a healthier person in the future
Q: What are your long term goals (in fitness or life)?
A: To continue to include fitness in my daily life
Q: Who is someone that inspires you at the box and why?
A: My kids inspire me because I want them to follow in my steps
Q: What’s one hidden talent you have or interesting fact about you?
A: I used to play volleyball and run track in high school and it still really interests me!
Q: Favorite movie?
A: Man on Fire
Q: Favorite coffee/lunch/dinner spot in ATX?
A: Deans Italian Steakhouse
Q: What’s one item on your bucket list?
A: Hiking or zip lining
Q: Favorite Cheat Meal?
A: Pizza
Q: What are you looking forward to the most in 2023?
A: Achieving my goals financially, emotionally, and physically
Q: What’s something you’d say to someone considering joining CrossFit for the first time?
A: I'd say it's a grand opportunity to challenge and push yourself to try something new. Not only does CrossFit help you physically but it emotionally heals you like no other activity can.