We couldn't be more proud to announce that our October athlete of the month is Diana! Diana has been truly inspiring everyone the last couple months by her hard work. Diana is currently around 8 months pregnant and is still crushing workouts day in and day out! Coach Jared had this to say about Diana:
"It's seriously impressive how fit and dedicated Diana is. Knowing that she made a comeback from spinal surgery, is about to have a baby and has to be exhausted with all the changes going on, I'm always amazed at how she completes every workout without complaint and still is one of the fittest people in the gym. It definitely gives me no excuse not to show up daily and work hard".
Keep reading for some fun facts about Diana!
Q: How long have you been doing CrossFit?
A: I've been doing CrossFit on and off for 5 years now
Q: Why do you like most about CF 2024?
A: I like the community and the silent competition when you see the names and results on the white board
Q: What motivates you to keep going and working hard?
A: overcoming new challenges, every wod is a new challenge and I don't let myself fail it
Q: What’s your favorite movement in CrossFit?
A: I really like overhead movements, push press and push jerks are some of my favorite ones, I like burpees too, they test you in a different way 🥲
Q: What are your long term goals (in fitness or life)?
A: at the moment I can only think about family, being a model for my future kid and teaching her the concepts of discipline and consistency while having fun, and that's what CrossFit and a healthy lifestyle should look like
Q: What’s your biggest accomplishment since joining 2024?
A: I have accomplished a lot, I'm better at strength, resistance, endurance, flexibility, and I have also improved my English by joking around and having fun
Q: Who is someone that inspires you at the box and why?
A: everyone, honestly everyone has their own story and has dealt with a lot of bad stuff but they all show up and I really respect that
Q: What’s one hidden talent you have or interesting fact about you?
A: I don't know how to answer this one, but I think an interesting fact about me would be that I'm really empathetic, I understand how other people are feeling and sometimes I can feel it too, I'd cry or laugh with you and really mean it
Q: Favorite movie?
A: lately, Guardians of the Galaxy vol.3
Q: Favorite coffee/lunch/dinner spot in ATX?
A: Poke Works by Riverside
Q: What’s one item on your bucket list?
A: get my own dream house or go back to school in this country
Q: Favorite Cheat Meal?
A: Ice cream, vanilla, butter pecan or coffee flavor 😋
Q: What are you looking forward to the most in 2024 (next year)?
A: become a new person, learn how to be myself AND a mom and watch my baby grow
Q: What’s something you’d say to someone considering joining CrossFit for the first time?
A: This is the life change you are looking for, the one you didn't know you need, and the one you won't regret!